The role of higher education in the environmental revolution
The health of our planet is deteriorating by leaps and bounds and the need to protect it has become imperative.
The role of higher education in the environmental revolution
The health of our planet is deteriorating by leaps and bounds and the need to protect it has become imperative.
The 235th birthday for our Constitution
We are approaching a very important date for all of us in the United States. September 17th is our Constitution Day and Citizenship Day. This day commemorates the September 17, 1787 signing of the United States Constitution.
Be global: study internationally at four campuses around the world
We already know that we live in a global world. Just like we know that today's professionals must be able to broaden their perspective so they can be global as well.
Global Mindset under review: definition and concept
The world we live in is rapidly changing, borders between territories are becoming increasingly blurred, and connections between countries are rapidly growing stronger. Globalization is a reality.
Time-management strategies of highly effective people
Trying to organize your schedule without success? You're not the only one.
A new age needs a new way of education
The world is changing faster than ever before. And education has to be able to adapt to these transformations to keep up.
Advantages of studying an online master’s degree
Some people still say that doing an online master’s degree means lowering the quality of your studies, but what sense does it make to continue that thinking in the times we live in?
Egan Hanson’s appointment as Chair of the Global Issues Committee at FASFAA
Egan Hanson, Global Head of Compliance and Institutional Effectiveness at Schiller International University, has been appointed Chair of the Global Issues Committee at the Florida Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (FASFAA), strengthening our relationship with one of the most respected local institutions in the financial aid community.
A step-by-step guide to your University application
Applying to college is not just a big task but also the opportunity to get into university and make your dreams come true. There are so many steps involved, like writing an essay or collecting letters of recommendation.
What types of scholarships are there for university students?
When you start your college adventure, one of the first things that often comes to your mind is what scholarships you can apply for, what each one covers, and the requirements you have to meet to access them.
Why Study Our Bachelor of International Marketing?
Are you interested in a Marketing degree? You’re in the right place, just keep reading and find out why studying International Marketing at Schiller International University is going to help you shine in your future professional career.
Taking International Relations one step further with MEP
Once again this year, the San Patricio Foundation has launched its Model European Parliament Program or MEP, which we have the pleasure of actively collaborating with.