Halyna Malygina: A story of survival in times of war
On the one-year anniversary of the start of the Ukrainian war, we sat down with our newest recruit, Halyna Malygina, who came to Spain fleeing the war with her children. This is her story.
Halyna Malygina: A story of survival in times of war
On the one-year anniversary of the start of the Ukrainian war, we sat down with our newest recruit, Halyna Malygina, who came to Spain fleeing the war with her children. This is her story.
Dani Pedroso: "Schiller shapes people to be international citizens"
Dani Pedroso graduated from Schiller Madrid with a Bachelor of Arts in International Relations and Diplomacy in 2003, and with a Major in International Business in 2022.
Attending Synapse Summit 2023 – My Thoughts On This Event
This past Tuesday February14 I had the opportunity to participate in the annual innovation conference Synapse Summit 2023 (Synapse Summit 2023 - Synapse Florida).
Black History Month at Schiller International University
One of the things that make us who we are at Schiller International University is the diversity of our students, faculty, and staff. Inclusion is a choice, as we firmly believe that a society that incorporates individuals from a variety of backgrounds, genders, ethnic origin, beliefs, capacities, and skills is a more balanced and healthy society.
How You Can Set Yourself Apart to Work For The Best Global Companies
If you’re thinking about your professional future, starting your career and hitting the job market, or how to choose the right path to achieve your goals, you’re in the right place.
Schiller opens a new campus in the center of Madrid
Schiller International University has just moved its Madrid campus to the central Paseo de Recoletos 35, a historic building in the center of Madrid, with 7 floors and more than 3,000 square meters, where students, faculty and staff can experience and develop in optimal conditions Schiller's methodology, focused on experiential learning and digital educational technology.
Immersive Learning Experience for Schiller Students at Paris Bartoux Gallery
On 6 February 2023, Schiller students from the Paris campus went on an artistic journey coupled with an interactive and sensory experience at “MATERIALS”, the first exhibition dedicated to the French artist Bruno Catalano which looks back on 30 years of sculpture.
School for Dreamers, Alberto Cabanes: “Turn up the volume of your heart”
This past month, the “School for Dreamers”, series by professor José Pinto, had a very special guest. We were honored to welcome Alberto Cabanes, from Adopta Un Abuelo (Adopt a Grandparent), to our Madrid campus.
Schiller’s Global Talks: Staying Ahead of All Major World Crises
Over the past two months, Schiller International University had the pleasure to host three Global Talks about current major international crises like Ukraine and the Middle East, thereby confirming its leading position in the discipline of International Relations & Diplomacy.
The “Vaccine against pessimism” workshop brought up the best ideas and public speaking skills in students
Can we change the world? Students in Professor José B. Pinto's Public Speaking class at our Schiller Madrid campus believe so.
Dr Erik Baum, “The domestic political situation is the most influential factor in the US foreign policy”
Professor Duncan Richard Shaw’s American Foreign Policy class at our Madrid campus received an engaging speaker recently. Professor Erik Baum, of Suffolk University, gave a masterclass titled “The Positive and Negative Aspects of US Foreign Policy Today”.
Be a Part of the Tech Revolution: Master’s Degree in Computer Software and Media Applications
In the 21st century, and after all the transformations brought about by the pandemic, we’re aware of the importance of digital transformation processes and the value of technology in our daily lives.